Half a Century ago today two shots rang out from a building across an open space in Dallas towards the presidential motorcade. They hit their target and history’s path was realigned drastically. Jack, the King and his Queen Jackie were taking America into a new and inspired future. Adventures of a growing democratic superpower. The sky had no limit.

…but Oswald put paid to that destiny. Even though the open top Lincoln was surrounded by Secret Service and a Harley riding escort the commanding view gained from the sixth floor aerie in the Texas Book Depository opened a huge chink in that armor and the crosshairs won.


The motorcycles were typically American: Harley Davidson. 


The motos were 1963 FL Duo Glide police models. (Duo Glide means it had BOTH front AND rear suspension). As we know conspiracy theories abound; but I think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and wanted to be a piece of history. An interesting alternate history novel could be written where Kennedy wasn’t shot, and a decades long strong America under Jack, Bobby, and later son John ran the show… 

The Peter Gabriel song Family Snapshot tells of would be assassin Arthur Bremer and his attempted shooting of presidential candidate George Wallace in 1972; though its lyrics reflect events in Dallas a decade earlier.

…They’re coming ’round the corner with the bikers at the front
I’m wiping the sweat from my eyes
-It’s a matter of time
-It’s a matter of will
And the governor’s car is not far behind
He’s not the one I’ve got in mind
‘Cos there he is-the man of the hour, standing in the limousine
“I don’t really hate you
-I don’t care what you do
We were made for each other
-Me and you
I want to be somebody
-You were like that too
If you don’t get given you learn to take
And I will take you.”

Holding my breath
Release the catch
And I let the bullet fly…

One Comment to “JFK”

  1. Now then..
    We here in the UK have been treated to a documentary on tv.. which was illuminating to say the least.
    A number of specialist detectives were brought in to look at the Kennedy shooting details. What they found, was endless missing data and a secret service cover-up.. At the end of the day, they found that the shooter got his shots off, the first of which went through Kennedys shoulder/neck area and into the seat in front, carrying the Governor [?]..
    HOWEVER.. what they also found.. working back from film footage where it can be clearly seen that a Secret Service agent had taken the standard issue SMG from the bottom of the car.. was that gun go off in the agents hands and they proved.. he shot the President in the back of the head..
    They also proved that the SMG was armed with explosive tipped bullets, thereby causing the catastrophic damage to the back of his skull.. an area of his skull, the size your hand was gone.. missing, literally blown away.. and they proved successfully to me, that it was an accident..
    All the participants and the shooter are now dead, and they showed how the cover-up was built up by the Secret Service.. their argument was that the original shot was NOT fatal.. but that from the agent most certainly was..
    Over the years I’ve watched all the JFK documentaries of his killing, shown on UK tv.. this was totally believable. I went for it.!
    Food for thought.?

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