Army Traveller


There us so much about this image I like. The sepia tint of age, a smiling lance corporal dispatch rider in Mediterranean wear, and the rime-like dust of the road. Possibly Egypt, Libya or even Italy. Sitting proudly on his BSA M20, workhorse of lightweight and quick travel for the Allies.

6 Comments to “Army Traveller”

  1. Lovely photo.. a great image. Do we have any idea who he is.?
    His was one of the MOST dangerous jobs of WW2, right alongside Bomb Disposal.. that dangerous.!
    My Mothers elder brother was a DR, landing on DD+2.. he survived the journey through France into Germany and was offered a place in the peacetime regular army.. he chose to go back to civvy street.
    Sadly, in 1951, whilst driving for a local farm supplies Co, he was unloading sheep feed racks from the back of a wagon when the stack collapsed and crushed him. He died a few days later in hospital..
    Tragedy really.. his mother/my granny.. adored him and never got over his death.. she literally went from dark hair to white overnight.
    Life eh?
    What a beast..
    Regards ever.

    • Bill, here’s a good blog page with wartime motorcycles. All British. Very evocative of all aspects of the theaters involved then.

      War department bike pictures

      The world is filled with stories like your uncle. Good people doing all they can for events underway, only to be lost in a seemingly futile accident. Hope you’re in good spirits. More snow here! A right proper winter…

  2. Thanks for the link you gave me.. I followed it back and.. Joined up!
    Sorry.. it looks really interesting so I’ll check it all out.
    Thanks again

  3. Wonderfully evocative image I agree….My Dad’s pre-war 350 Levis was appropriated & ended up abandoned in the Western Desert, but I have his best mate’s ’29 500 BSA as a consolation (named Arthur after them both). Love the [hunk of rubble] side stand used for the photo, a la my home made wooden one for the Beeza as it’s easier (and looks better for pix) than the pre-WWII rear stand. Cheers

  4. This photo is taken in Italy, I have an other photo with a bigger group of bikes on the same location. I can send you that photo if you want. Henk

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