Archive for July 4th, 2018

July 4, 2018

High Chapparal

Cowboy Rider – last day of vacation saw us have a visit to Denver Art Museum. Here’s a sketch by eccentric fashion illustrator Jim Howard. Plaid shirt ‘n’ Stetson are suitable attire for rounding up the cattle on a little Honda dirt bike.

July 4, 2018

Fat City

Freak Power – another Coloradan piece of folk lore was the 1970 election for Sheriff in Aspen which included on the ballot Gonzo reporter extraordinaire Hunter S Thompson whose goal was to shake-up the incumbent conservative leaders. Though unsuccessful it did pave the way for liberal reformation later that decade.

July 4, 2018


Boulder Colorado – the roads around here are perfect for motorcycles. Given one of these machines I’d thrash it to within an inch of its triple engined life…Boulder Canyon Drive… esses in perfection.