Archive for April 16th, 2012

April 16, 2012

Swap Shop

More of my Sunday morning dawdle amongst the wrecked, ruined and disowned all awaiting someone to fulfill their project needs. Let’s start off with this pair of Tigers a decade apart but both beauty’s. ALthough it’s the single carb version of the Bonnie, it’s still a worthy roadbike. This racing green ’77 750cc and it’s older cherry ’69 650cc both examples of what clean-machines these can look. The tastiest eye candy?

Next up is a ’60 Cub; its diminutive stature belies a fun-on-two-wheels nature This one is all present and correct: a bargain at $1,700.  Historical note: In 1960 the UK law was changed restricting learner motorcyclists to a maximum of 250cc and the Tiger Cub became one of the most popular ways of getting onto two wheels.

Last up is a super 500 Trophy; a similarly clean example which was started up with one kick to a musical twin sound. Magic! I believe the owner was using it as a draw for his boxes and tarp laden piles of rusty and oily parts…